Unit 207 Board Officers
Roles and Responsibilities

-Vice President
-Bulletin Boards
-Caddie Chair
-Charity Chair
-Disciplinary Chair
-Dist. 16 Board Representative
-Education Coordinator
-Financial Review committee
-GNT Coordinator
-Hospitality Coordinator
-I/N Chair
-Membership Chair
-Mentoring Coordinator
-NABC 2021 Committee Head
-NAP Coordinator
-New Member Chair
-Nominating Chair
-Partnership Coordinator
-Publicity Chair
-Scorecard Writer
-Supplies Chair
-Tournament Coordinator
-Unit Club Coordinator


The President presides and acts as chair at all meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors. The President supervises and manages the Unit business and activities, as well as appoints and supervises committees.

Vice President

The Vice-President assists the President and presides at meetings the President cannot attend. The Vice President manages agenda items from Board members and Unit members for each monthly meeting. Queries go out to Board members about a week before the monthly meeting, then the proposed agenda is sent out a couple of days before the meeting. The Vice President then draws up the final agenda for the monthly meeting. 


The Secretary records minutes at meetings of the Board and membership. The Secretary gets Board approval of those minutes and works with the Website Coordinator to post the minutes on the Unit website.


The Treasurer has custody and responsibility for all funds, securities, and property of the Unit, and maintains full accounts of receipts and disbursements of the Unit funds.

Bulletin Boards

The Bulletin Board owner posts photos of the Unit officers and Unit clubs on the board in the back of the BCA.

Caddie Coordinator

The Caddie Coordinator recruits, trains and manages caddies. The Caddie Coordinator provides the Tournament Chair and Director in Charge with names of caddies. Typically, caddies are relatives of Unit 207 members. Anyone fourteen years old and older is eligible to caddie.

Charity Chair

The Charity Chair researches charities and suggests appropriate charities to the Unit Board.

District 16 Board Representative

The District Board of Directors Liaison attends the three District Board meetings (held at the regionals at Houston (January/February), Dallas (Labor Day) and Austin/San Antonio (July Fourth). Meetings are usually held Saturday morning in a conference room at the host hotel. Meetings last 1.5 – 2 hours. Reports back to the Unit Board anything of significance.
Unit 207 has ten votes (currently, 2019). You might get asked to be assigned to an ad hoc or to a permanent District Committee. If the Unit Board wants, ask for an NLM Regional at one of these meetings (as far ahead of time as possible – don’t need an exact date, just what year). You might get nominated for an officer position (usually second VP). You might be asked to be the Secretary or the Treasurer. There is free breakfast before (or at) the meeting and attending breakfast is optional.

Education Coordinator

The Education Coordinator determines requirements for Unit education events and manages those events. This includes hosting/subsidizing beginner and new member classes as well as events with expert and noted speakers/players for advanced/intermediate players.
The Education Coordinator manages the Unit lecture series for advanced and intermediate players. A lecture is typically planned each month on an available Saturday, at 12PM at the BCA. The lecturer is an expert player in Unit 207. The coordinator schedules an advance line up of speakers; coordinates with Ken MacMorran to produce a flyer; the calendar coordinator, currently Beth Tobias, to post to the Unit and BCA calendars; the Unit representative, currently Rachell Jackson, to send an email flash reminder; and the Unit treasurer, currently Barbara Clements, to pay a stipend of $100 to the lecturer. 

Financial Review Committee

Yearly, this committee audits the Unit's accounting and suggests changes and corrections to the treasurer.

GNT Coordinator

The Unit GNT (Grand National Teams) Coordinator schedules, organizes, and reports on all GNT-related games and activities. Club qualification games are open competitions; the Unit qualification game brackets players by the flights defined in the GNT Conditions of Contest. The GNT Coordinator works with club managers so that club GNT qualification games adhere to requirements.

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Hospitality Coordinator

The Hospitality Coordinator manages all concerns of food and beverages at Unit events.

I/N Chair

The I/N Chair focuses on integrating students and new players into the local bridge family. The primary tool for doing this is the availability of games that are appropriate for newer players. Units are encouraged to run I/N sectionals (or to work with club managers when the unit delegates this privilege to a club) and to develop I/N programs for all unit sectionals. The I/N Chair is responsible for novice and beginner activities and coordinates with the Education Coordinator for classes. This includes managing how many sessions to have in limited sectionals. The I/N Chair promotes new members for the unit and for ACBL. The I/N Chair also coordinates and consults with the National Novice Chair and the District Novice Chair concerning any new or current novice programs in ACBL. Refer to the ACBL’s Handbook for Intermediate-Novice Coordinators, available here.

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair promotes new membership in the Unit, maintains membership records, and completes the membership directory on a regular basis.

Mentoring Coordinator

The Mentoring Coordinator manages the operation and promotion of Unit mentoring programs. Responsibilities of the Mentoring Coordinator include:

NABC 2021 Committee Head

The NABC Committee Head leads and manages the Unit's participation in the 2021 Nationals.

NAP Coordinator

The NAP Coordinator schedules the date, location, and director for the Unit NAP final, then communicates the plan to the ACBL. (more detail)

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New Member Chair

The New Member Chair manages the new and transfer member program.  Contact Unit Webmaster to start receiving the Unit In and Out report and the Transactions report monthly. Unit-approved free play coupons are mailed to new and transfer members along with a short welcome note. New members receive four coupons, transfer members receive one coupon. Keep a record of coupons sent on a spreadsheet. The ACBL transactions report is Excel compatible. 

Nominating Chair

The Nominating Chair prepares a slate of nominees for election to the Board of Directors. With suggestions and assistance from various people who know our members, the Nominating Chair talks with suggested people to see if they would like to run for the Board. The candidates must understand that the Board is a working board and that they will be expected to participate.

Partnership Coordinator

The Partnership Coordinator arranges for volunteers to manage the partnership desk for Unit-sponsored events. This coordinator trains the volunteers, collects and maintains the supplies required for the partnership desk, and makes sure the partnership volunteers have what they need to do the job. Supplies include:


The Unit Photographer takes photos of tournament winners and documents other Unit-sponsored events with photos, as appropriate. (This is strictly for Unit events.)

The Unit Photographer prepares a place to take the photos and has the director announce verbally where winners should go for photos, and when. Signs can also be posted to indicate the photo site.

The Unit Photographer lists the winner(s)'s name(s), where they're from, the event name with the day/date, and strat level. A form or chart can be used to record this data. The Unit Photographer should get a list of the overall winners from the Director in Charge to and verify the winners. The digital photos with winner data should be forwarded to the Unit Webmaster.

Publicity Chair

The Publicity Chair makes people aware of Unit events. Including:


The Recorder collects and catalogs complaints and/or inquiries from players, usually concerning a question of conduct or ethics. The Recorder also assists with filling out recorder forms when necessary. If a formal complaint is made to the Board of Directors against a member of the Unit, the Recorder provides a history of other complaints against that member. The Recorder files a complaint against a member if it is warranted.

The Recorder should be available at all Unit 207 tournaments. If the Recorder will not be available, notice should be given to the President so that an alternate can be selected.

Scorecard Writer

The Scorecard Writer manages Unit articles for the Scorecard and the District 16 newsletter.

Supplies Chair

The Supplies Chair maintains inventory of bridge supplies and furniture for Unit events.

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Tournament Coordinator

The tournament coordinator schedules all unit tournaments and special events.

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Unit Club Coordinator

The Unit Club Coordinator contacts the clubs in Unit 207 to let the owners/directors know that the Club Coordinator is their initial contact to the Unit. Any questions or requests a club owner might have starts with the Club Coordinator. The Club Coordinator explains Unit resources and responsibilities to the club. (The Unit's resources/responsibilities for clubs are defined in the Unit's Policies document.)

At least once a year, a Board member attends a game at one of our clubs. Board members choose which club to visit. The Board member works out a good time for a visit with the club owner (the Board member can play or not play in the game). The Board member describes the ACBL structure, where the Unit fits in with the club and some of the Unit events. (The Club Coordinator writes up a general description of the Unit with this information.) For the visit, the Board member may take snacks for the game, as well as some token from the Unit to show the Unit's appreciation for the club.

Unit Webmaster

The Unit Webmaster manages the Unit's website. The Unit website presents Unit and club information, announcements, flyers for events, and a comprehensive schedule. Photos from tournaments and events are often recorded on this website.

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